Litter Picking

Why Bother

Just to state the obvious: Litter is rubbish. It’s horrible. Much litter damages wild life. It looks really nasty etc., etc.

The Weobley Method

After more than 10 years of coordinating our KLEEN litter picks Tina Davison, our great leader, has retired from the role but not before getting us to adopt the “Weobley Method” where they do things rather differently. Tina heard about their cunning plan at a “Stop The Drop” training for community litter pickers in Herefordshire. The Weobley method involves individuals taking on the regular litter-picking of a convenient area close to where they live. Thanks to those lovely KLEEN litter-picking volunteers who have committed to regularly cleaning up their own areas so far. The useful Google Map below clearly shows where there are still places to be picked as well as who is doing what. If you are up for helping out contact: Richie Cotterill email or telephone 07777 661252 Zoom in or out on the map by rolling the mouse wheel. Click on a coloured line or region to find out who is responsible for this area.
Last reviewed: 15/3/2018
Page updated: 5/4/2018

Litter Picking

Why Bother

Just to state the obvious: Litter is rubbish. It’s horrible. Much litter damages wild life. It looks really nasty etc., etc.

The Weobley Method

After more than 10 years of coordinating our KLEEN litter picks Tina Davison, our great leader, has retired from the role but not before getting us to adopt the “Weobley Method” where they do things rather differently. Tina heard about their cunning plan at a “Stop The Drop” training for community litter pickers in Herefordshire. The Weobley method involves individuals taking on the regular litter-picking of a convenient area close to where they live. Thanks to those lovely KLEEN litter-picking volunteers who have committed to regularly cleaning up their own areas so far. The useful Google Map below clearly shows where there are still places to be picked as well as who is doing what. If you are up for helping out contact: Richie Cotterill email or telephone 07777 661252 Zoom in or out on the map by rolling the mouse wheel. Click on a coloured line or region to find out who is responsible for this area.