Page reviewed: 6/9/22
Solar PV News from Gordon Coppock
The community owned energy generation project that I started working on during Covid times in March 2020 is finally underway ! I had to
choose a business near to Tenbury since that was the nearest point to Kington that we could have a large enough connection to the electricity
grid.that could be agreed and contracted to Western Power (now called National Grid Energy Distribution - NGED)
It is a large 300kWp solar PV system on most of the suitable roof area of the Kerry factory and we have had many hurdles to jump over to
finally get the design done and the contract signed with the International HQ of Kerry in Ireland.
I started working on this on behalf of Pomona community Solar as a new project but it soon became clear that it would be a good project to
do as one of the first with the emerging Big Solar CoOp that has been developed by Jon Halle and others initially supported by Sharenergy
who we have been working with since 2010.
Big Solar Co-Op is a not for profit company structure that has been created to provide a solution to the challenging post Feed in Tariff period
and has been growing in parallel with the development of the Kerry project to now have a large pipeline of projects across the UK, all will be
community owned.
Here is the press release and more info on Big Solar CoOp where you could be part of it as a volunteer and /or as a shareholder if you wanted.
The Kerry site at Tenbury , like many food manufacturing sites, uses a very large amount of energy, and our installation will save them around
54 tons of CO2e emissions per year and reduce their costs. As one of the larger employers in the central Marches area this helps bring job
security as well.
New KLEEN YouTube Channel
(Posted 21/01/2022)
The first Video: The issues with Intensive Poultry Units in Herefordshire.
Herefordshire Green Networks called The Great Collaboration
(Posted 18/11/2020) Click on this link for more information.
Members of KLEEN are part of a team involved with a project supported by Herefordshire Green Networks called The Great Collaboration -
leading to a Zero Carbon Herefordshire. We have started a series of meetings with town and parish councils across the county to explore how
community groups and councils can work together to make real improvements to our county in terms of local carbon emissions in many parts
of our lives. It will hopefully be encouraged for many local groups to be involved - please ask if you would like more information.
For the most recent information have a look
Solar PV News from Gordon Coppock
The community owned energy generation project that I started
working on during Covid times in March 2020 is finally underway !
I had to choose a business near to Tenbury since that was the
nearest point to Kington that we could have a large enough
connection to the electricity grid.that could be agreed and
contracted to Western Power (now called National Grid Energy
Distribution - NGED)
It is a large 300kWp solar PV system on most of the suitable roof
area of the Kerry factory and we have had many hurdles to jump
over to finally get the design done and the contract signed with
the International HQ of Kerry in Ireland.
I started working on this on behalf of Pomona community Solar
as a new project but it soon became clear that it would be a good
project to do as one of the first with the emerging Big Solar CoOp
that has been developed by Jon Halle and others initially
supported by Sharenergy who we have been working with since
Big Solar Co-Op is a not for profit company structure that has
been created to provide a solution to the challenging post Feed in
Tariff period and has been growing in parallel with the
development of the Kerry project to now have a large pipeline of
projects across the UK, all will be community owned.
Here is the press release and more info on Big Solar CoOp where
you could be part of it as a volunteer and /or as a shareholder if
you wanted.
The Kerry site at Tenbury , like many food manufacturing sites,
uses a very large amount of energy, and our installation will save
them around 54 tons of CO2e emissions per year and reduce
their costs. As one of the larger employers in the central Marches
area this helps bring job security as well.
New KLEEN YouTube Channel
(Posted 21/01/2022)
The first Video: The issues with Intensive Poultry Units in
Herefordshire Green Networks called The
Great Collaboration
(Posted 18/11/2020) Click on this link for more information.
Members of KLEEN are part of a team involved with a project
supported by Herefordshire Green Networks called The Great
Collaboration - leading to a Zero Carbon Herefordshire. We have
started a series of meetings with town and parish councils across
the county to explore how community groups and councils can
work together to make real improvements to our county in terms
of local carbon emissions in many parts of our lives. It will
hopefully be encouraged for many local groups to be involved -
please ask if you would like more information.